

My real only active social media at the moment is Bluesky. You can follow that for the day to day sludge that comes out of my brain. I have capacity for another social media site but I don't know what that would be yet. If some day there's another one, I'll let you all know.

Speedrun stuff!

  • All my PBs on all the leaderboards.
  • twitch stream: Live attempts! I'm a very unprofessional and irregular streamer but if you wanna watch me, you can do that there.
  • YouTube: The results of my twitch stream, as well as stuff I do offline end up there. Good to subscribe if you wanna make sure to see my latest PBs.

  • Music stuff!

  • You can look at what I'm listening to and compare our listening stats!
  • Musik Sammler: This website is basically a German version of discogs and you can look through a full list of my physical collection there. Sorry that all the album covers are pixeled if you're not logged in, that's because the German copyright law is weird, I think.
  • A Google spreadsheet of every band I've seen live

  • Contact me!

    Best way to get directly in touch with me is probably Discord. My name there is nimputs, just as my name here.