
a Minecraft fox looking directly into the camera a very low res Mastercard logo but instead the text says 'balls are touching'

Hey, I'm Nim!

My main deal is that I'm a music collector and speedrunner. I'm also queer, my brain is weird, and I'm at least tangential to the furry community. I'm in my late 20s and I'm from Germany. That's all the basics you need to know about me.

I'm gonna attempt to make this place somewhere I can put everything I want to put on the internet that doesn't really fit elsewhere. I'm primarily a microblogging social media type guy, but I've grown to enjoy writing out some longer pieces here and there when it comes to me. Up until now I was posting these to cohost, but since the unfortunate announcement of that site's shutdown, I need a new place for them and I thought this was a good opportunity to try my hands at something like this.

Currently the only thing that's here is music related stuff, but I'm planning to expand. Just give me a moment.

Latest posts

  • 23-06-2024: Thursday CD collection
  • 14-06-2024: Hypnogaja Partial CD collection
  • 13-05-2024: Frau Potz